Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Insight about Kids Learning

Here is some information regarding a child's learning I thought might be helpful to all of our parents with small kids.

Teenagers and Homework

I saw an interesting article regarding getting your teenager to do homework.

Things You Should Know About Your Child Before You Select a School

Your Child's Needs

Does your child need a more structured environment?
Does your child need a less structured environment?
Does your child need more challenging work?
Does your child need more individual attention?
Does your child generally need extra help or more time to complete an assignment?
Does your child have any special learning needs?
Does your child need an environment that fosters creativity?
Does your child need an English language acquisition program?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What School Should My Kids Attend?

Let me point out the obvious and clearly state that the most important people that we have in our lives is our family. Especially during the holidays, as we reminisce about the good times we have had this past year. The choices that we make regarding where we live, what we drive, eat and who we are our acquaintances are come with careful planning and preparation. As adults, we consult with professionals such as doctors, attorneys, insurance agents etc. in order to lay our head on our pillow with a clear conscience and a piece of mind. The question we should have is what about the school that our kids attend? What advice did we seek? Generally, when we buy a house we seek out a real estate agent. When we are sick we visit a doctor. Going to court, we had better get an attorney. Yet, when we seek a school out for our children we ask the neighbor? It doesn't make much sense. Did we really know that the difference between a good choice and a bad choice. A poor decision is worth over three million dollars in our children's lifetime earnings. Furthermore, it affects generation after generation.

We as young parents, have the best intentions however, often make poor choices when selecting a school for our child. As a responsible parent who do we leave these vital questions often up? The neighbor we barely know or a realtor that is trying to sell us a house. Who do we ask? What do we ask? Who do we seek advice from? How do we educate ourselves? What should we look for in a school? These are all vital questions that one should ask. Even more so, how do you organize the information? What does it all mean? As professional parents we seek advice from professionals when they buy a car, house, and a 401K yet we often ask the neighbor or do the research on the Internet on the most important issue that will affect our children and grandchildren.

The good news is we are here to help. Imagine touring a school with questions in hand. Asking what evidence is there that a school is teaching students how to read and does your school have a particular approach to teaching and learning? Remember, you are the customer! Do they have staff that is friendly and inviting? Are enrichment activities to do after school? As parents we all have a choice, and choosing the educational setting that our children sit in eight hours a day is critical to their and our family's future success.

I am going to be giving out school related information on how to make sound fundamental educational choices for your child. Keep checking back and we will together make your schooling decision one in which you can sleep with at night!


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